Textile Engineering
Course Duration
B.Tech – Four Years (4 Years)
Minimum Qualification
B.Tech – A pass in 12th with a minimum of aggregate 45% in MPC and 40% in English
Mr. Gopinath on +91 9951113059
The department has well equipped laboratories to provide necessary and sufficient practical knowledge to the students and encourages them towards innovative research and development ideas. Experts from the industry are periodically invited for lectures and demonstrations to the students on the latest advances in the field of Textile engineering. It has the following broad objectives :
- The graduates of the Program will be able to apply their analytical and professional knowledge to take on higher responsibilities in industry and diverse fields of Textile engineering.
- The graduates will acquire capability to apply their technical knowledge of electrical and electronics to pursue higher education and research.ply their technical knowledge of Textiles to pursue higher education and research.
- The graduates will be enthusiastic towards life-long learning, creative thinking, and career enhancement and adapt to changing professional and societal relevance especially rural needs.
- To promote qualities of leadership and team work in students to become successful entrepreneurs.
Outcome Based Curriculum
PO’s –
- Engineering knowledge :
Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems. - Design/development of solutions :
Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations. - Modern tool usage :
Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations. - Individual and team work :
Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
Subjects for each Semester
Section – A (Semester I – IV)
Semester One
- Mathematics-I
- Chemistry
- Electrical technology
- Mechanics
- Introduction of manufacturing process
- Constitution of indian politicsðics
- English comunications s-I
- Chemistry practical
- Electrical technology practical
Semester Two
- Mathematics-II
- Applied physics
- Fundamentals of computer
- Basic electrinics
- Engineering Drawing and Graphics
- Environmental studies
- English comunication-II
- Applied physics practical
- Basic electronics practical
Semester Three
- Engineering Mathematics
- Organic Chemistry
- Basics Of mechanical Engg
- Instrumental method of analysis
- Physical Chemistry
- Basics of Mechanical Engg lab
- Instrumental method of analysis lab
Semester Four
- Basics Of Electrical Engineering
- Probability & Statistics
- Spun Yarn Technology
- Fabric manifacture Technology
- Fabric Structure -I -1
- Elacrical Engg Lab
- Fabric Science Lab
Section – B (Semester V – VIII)
Semester Five
- Knitting technology
- Fabric Structure -II
- Spinning Process & Qualty Control
- Principles of Management
- Textile Costing
- Communication Skills Lab
- Fibre Science Lab – II
Semester Six
- Textile Qualty Evolution
- Textile Chemical Processing – I
- Professional Ethics & Engineering
- Garment Technology
- Total Quality Management
- Textile Qualty Evolution Lab
- Knitting & Garment Lab
Semester Seven
- Quality Assurence in Fabric Manufature
- Textile Chemical Processing -II
- Woven Fabric Structure Elective I, II
- Cloth Analysis Lab
- Textile Chemical Processing Lab
Semester Eight
- Mechanics Of textile machinery Elective-III,IV
- Prodution Process Lab
- Project